Personal Development

Investment Bankers, Look After the Analysts!

My banking friends, do you want immortality?

Do you want to be remembered forever?

Do you want to change the banking culture?

Look after the analysts and the interns.

Nothing leaves a more permanent imprint than the first job.

These unmoulded souls internalise their first experiences at the workplace.

You have the seeds and the power to get them to blossom.

You can change the entropy of the banking system forever.

The same way primary school teachers can change society.

Treat them well. You will, won’t you?

Treat them so they can learn.

Create a safe environment for them.

If you do this, the culture will change forever.

It has to be done only once!

You will have done it forever.

They will never forget you.

You have the power to make a difference in somebody’s life.

One day the calls you receive from them when you’re in your 70’s and 80’s will be more important than today’s bonuses.

With love for you and for them,

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