Limiting Beliefs Mindset Psychology Self-awareness

The Unconscious Mind

In this article, you’ll find answers to popular questions about the unconscious mind.

The reason I decided to dive into the unconscious is to get a better understanding of how we can uncover things that shape our behaviour whose presence we are unaware of.

One of the main questions I’m trying to answer on this blog and I’m helping my clients every day with is how to overcome limiting beliefs that stop us from reaching success.

You will find a lot of resources out there on how to change your limiting beliefs but you can change a belief only after you have uncovered it and realised that it’s sabotaging your success. That’s why I preach that self-awareness is probably the most valuable skill to have and the good news it can be developed.

Limiting Beliefs Mindset Personal Development Self-awareness

Why Positive Affirmations Work and Don’t Work

It’s part of human nature to want to believe that something is absolutely true or absolutely false.

Human beings don’t like uncertainty.

An absolute true or false means we can take action in the right direction with absolute confidence.

And if we’re stuck because we’re uncertain about something, we often find a way to trick ourselves to certainty in order to go ahead and take some action.

That’s not necessarily bad. Belief promotes action which then proves or disproves the initial belief.

You may suffer some losses as a result of your actions, but in the end, there is definitely learning, and learning is always good, no?

Do you believe what I’ve just said?

If you read again, you will see I have my own beliefs. I’ve chosen to believe that learning is good because it promotes experimentation in my life.

I am open to suffering some losses because I believe this is how I’ll ultimately achieve success. But it’s just me and what I’ve chosen to believe.

I’m saying all this because, as you’ll see below, research showed that the efficacy of our affirmations depends on the degree to which we believe them.

For example, no matter how many times and how loud you shout, “I’m a superman”, it will make no difference if you don’t believe this statement deep inside.

I’m talking about positive affirmations— positive statements that you say to yourself to counteract limiting thoughts and uplift yourself.

Before you continue, you may wish to watch a couple of videos first.

In these videos, my friends and experts psychologists, Dr Sophie Henshaw and Bill O’Hanlon share their opinions on positive affirmations with me.