
We Have Physical as Well as Mental Health

We all have mental health as well as physical health.

Our mental health can fluctuate between struggling and thriving—just like our physical health.

We don’t talk openly about these things in the City right now, but think about it … 

Why should coming down with an infection be more “acceptable” than suffering from sleep deprivation or low self-esteem?

Why do we boast about twisting our ankle playing squash—but we hide our anxiety or depression?

Why should we tell our manager we’re going to see our dentist every time we need to visit our psychotherapist?

I’m changing that way of thinking one person at a time.

And I write about these things every single day here on LinkedIn.

I’m sure I’ll live to see a new culture in the City.

Loving you, Angelos.


The #1 Mistake We Make When We are Stressed

This is the #1 MISTAKE high-achievers make when they’re feeling anxious:

They talk themselves through all the reasons why they shouldn’t be feeling anxious.

And they come up with the most brilliant logical arguments!

Not only does this not work—it makes things WORSE.

Your survival brain—your “old”, less developed brain that is responsible for stress activation and deactivation—simply IGNORES your self-talk.

And your survival brain doesn’t like it when you’re trying too hard to convince it to chill out.

Your survival brain says, “Oh, this dude is really stressed! I’ll keep all the stress mechanisms switched on until he calms down”.

What should you do then?

Acknowledge that you are stressed.

Ask yourself, “Where am I feeling the tension?”

Focus on those areas.

If you’re extremely stressed go for a run, dance, or do some interval training.

That will give your stress hormones a release for all that pent-up energy.

Loving you, Angelos

Anxiety chronic pain

Being Like a Palm Tree

When I am asked how I help my clients … I use this simple analogy:

I help them become more like a palm tree than an oak tree.

When the storm comes the palm bends but then comes back up whereas …

The oak tries to resist the storm and ends up breaking.

My clients have always strived to become the strongest oak.

And they are indeed incredibly strong and hard to break.

That’s how they got to where they are.

After our work together, they become flexible, agile, and unbreakable.

No storm can bring them down.

Just like a palm tree.

With love, Angelos

Anxiety chronic pain

Do you Still Meditate to Overcome your Anxiety?

If you meditate because you hate your anxiety, you should stop.

Do you often say to yourself: “If you meditated consistently, you wouldn’t be feeling so stressed out right now”?

Meditation is great and may help you get grounded but is NOT the antidote to anxiety.

Even if you get to meditate 10 times a day, it doesn’t mean one day you will be 100% protected from anxiety.

Meditation does NOT immunise you against anxiety.

If this is the reason you meditate, you’re doing more harm than good.

Because …

1 – You beat yourself up for not being able to stick to meditation.

2 – You get angry because no matter how much you meditate, anxiety doesn’t disappear.

3- The worst is that if you meditate or do something consistently “for your anxiety”, you send a subliminal message to your unconscious mind that you’re afraid of anxiety.

Fear of anxiety means … more anxiety.

With love, Angelos

PS: The picture is from my homeland—Lefkada, Greece. 💙


Anxiety is the Denial of Fear

If someone calls you an anxious person, all they say is that they are WAY more fearful and ashamed of fear than you.

Anxiety is the denial of the natural emotion of fear.

Not only has society programmed you that you shouldn’t feel fear but also that you should be ashamed of fear.

You are NOT emotionally unstable; THEY are.

Please, stop trying to appear calm in front of people who are way more fearful than you.

If they say that you should manage your anxiety, tell them there is no such thing as anxiety.

It’s their belief that you should be ashamed of fear.

Allow yourself to fear anything and don’t be afraid of your fear.

Anxiety is the fear of fear.

But it’s not just that. To learn more, read this.

With love, Angelos

chronic pain Anxiety

Letting Go of Perfectionism – 6 Step Formula

In this article, I will show you my 6-step formula that will help you to let go of your perfectionism.

This formula is based on three elements: curiosity, awareness, and compassion.

I’m against changing any behaviour unless ALL the following questions are fully answered:

  • What is the behaviour (with specific examples)?
  • How does it affect your life?
  • Why do you want to change it?
  • Is there anything good about it?
  • What could the reasons be for adopting this behaviour?
  • What would your life look like without this behaviour?
  • What exactly do you need to change?
  • What would be a realistic and effective plan for changing the behaviour—or introducing a new one?

Perfectionism may create discomfort—emotional and physical pain.

You may have realised that it can sabotage your happiness.

However, a compassionate approach is essential for overcoming perfectionism.

This is a journaling exercise in which you have to answer the questions related to each step.

chronic pain Anxiety

True Healing is Easier Than Healing

True healing is NOT getting rid of the pain forever.

True healing is NOT killing your fears and anxiety.

True healing is NOT mastering your emotions.

True healing is letting go of ANY EFFORT to control your pain, anxiety or emotions.

True healing is surrendering to pain—being OK with the pain coming back.

To truly heal you don’t have to do much.

Actually, you don’t have to do anything.

True healing is not winning the war—it’s making peace.

True healing is easier than healing.

— Angelos Georgakis

P.S. Subscribe to receive my tips for chronic pain relief straight to your inbox.

Anxiety chronic pain

DON’T Kill Your Anxiety

I’m against KILLING anxiety.

I see all these titles, “BEAT your anxiety, KILL your anxiety, GET RID OF your anxiety” on well-respected websites.

This is exactly why anxiety is still there.

Because we’re at war with it.

We’re trying to fight it, run away from it, terminate it!

If you’re tired of fighting it and seeing it grow stronger as a Lernaean Hydra, why don’t you change your strategy?

Do the opposite.

Anxiety Mindset Psychology

10 Deep Distinctions that Can Help Entrepreneurs with Anxiety

As a coach and entrepreneur, I’ve noticed that anxiety in entrepreneurs is often triggered by a series of inner battles between two opposing selves—a higher self and a lower self:

  1. The lower entrepreneurial self: That’s the “selfish” part of us that wants quick success, lots of $$$, status, recognition, instant gratification, security, and stability.
  2. The higher entrepreneurial self: That’s the altruistic, generous, patient and noble part of us that prioritises serving others, looks for meaning and strives for impact.

Although most mentors and coaches may “force” you into your higher self, my experience shows me that accepting and negotiating as much as possible with your lower self can lead you to success faster.

Understanding human nature and working with it can take you further than trying to change it.

Personal Development Anxiety Limiting Beliefs Mindset Psychology

Overcoming Anxiety – A Complete Guide

This is my complete guide with a whole new and effective approach on how to deal with anxiety.

In this guide, I will NOT ask you to:

  • meditate
  • do yoga
  • go for a walk
  • visit the gym
  • eat more veggies
  • delete your FB account
  • sniff jasmine essential oil
  • touch crystals

These are all great things we can do to manage our anxiety—but only manage.

None of these things goes deep into the root of anxiety. It’s the same as taking a pain killer. It certainly makes you feel better, but it doesn’t treat the cause of the problem. 

I’m not saying “stop meditation” or “eat junk food”. If you’ve found a way to deal with the anxiety symptoms, that’s a good start.

But, if you only eat broccoli and pumpkin seeds to calm your anxiety, and you’re still struggling, please keep reading!

I’ve been there.

There was a time I ran away from work like a kid who runs away from school.

There was a time I didn’t sleep for two weeks.

There was a time I almost had back surgery to alleviate the physical pain created by my anxiety.

A London’s Royal Ballet teacher—we’ll call her Olivia—called me the other day complaining about her severe back pain, “I can’t get off my bed in the morning”.

Olivia’s story matched my own story (which I’ll share with you later) and the story of my other coaching clients I’ve helped with anxiety—all high-performing, successful, hard-working, military-disciplined individuals with a bag of dreams.

Olivia convinced herself that years of training and dancing left her with permanent damage in her back.

She felt frustration, anger, and fear, “Why is this happening to me? I hate this pain! It’s ruined my life”.

Although I’m not a doctor, I suspected that Olivia’s back was fine.

The physical pain she experienced was a manifestation of anxiety, fear, worry, and emotional pain.

My work was to teach Olivia how to dance with her emotions—acknowledge, embrace and learn from her emotions.

When Olivia learned how to work with her emotions, the physical pain went away.

This guide is about dancing—dancing with anxiety.

Because all anxiety wants is to dance with you.

When you relax and enjoy this dance, anxiety stops becoming a problem.

In this guide:

  • You’ll learn why all you’ve tried hasn’t worked or hasn’t been as effective.
  • You’ll understand anxiety on a deeper level.
  • You’ll discover how to transform your relationship with anxiety and see it from a more empowering perspective.
  • You’ll find how to get relief from the physical pain you may be experiencing as part of your anxiety.
  • You’ll feel confident to go back to living a normal life, dream again, and do the things you’ve always wanted to do.