Personal Development

Secrets of Fundraising

The secret of fundraising is not your amazing product, the market, your deck or your unique value proposition.

Here’s how you win a VC and stay motivated throughout the fundraising process.

I call it Conscious Pitching.

What most founders forget: VCs are human beings. 

They are governed by fear, they have doubts, they’re stressed, they get greedy, they have limiting beliefs, they make irrational decisions, they need time to trust, they become emotional, they’re anxious about delivering results, they get bored, they’re impatient and talk to 15 founders a day and searching for a needle in a haystack.

For all these reasons, don’t just fire your pitch.

Be conscious.

Connect with the human being behind the VC.

How can you enjoy these 30 minutes with this human being?

Whether they bet on you or 

Because only one thing is certain: Whether they decide to invest in your or not, after you’ve had that chat, those 30 minutes of your life and their lives are gone forever.

Don’t waste those 30 minutes.

Be candid, share both your excitement and your doubts, and build a relationship with them.

A relationship that can benefit you and them today, in 5 years, or in six months.

Give yourself and the VC the gift of slowing down and remaining present in your conversation together. Enjoy that interaction to the fullest even if it’s the last you’ll see each other.

VCs will not invest in you because of your spreadsheets.

They are throwing darts at the wall anyway. 

Why will they invest in you?

Because you were the only one of the hundreds of founders they’ve talked to who made them feel present, listen, and have a mindful conversation with another human being.

They will invest in you because this chat felt different from all the other chats.

And they may have no clue why it did so.

Do you think that they are fully aware of their decision-making system?

These conversations make both of you feel bored or anxious when you’re unconscious.

VCs are not AI machines that analyse your pitch and give you a yes or a no. And you are not a bot either.

Humanise your interactions with VCs. Connect with the person in front of you.

Elevate your consciousness and their consciousness—and get funded!

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