Personal Development

Going Deeper than Meditation

Meditation can help you sleep—but why can’t you sleep?

Exercise can relieve your tension—but why are you tense?

Super foods can improve your digestion—but why can’t you digest your food?

If your answer is “because I’m stressed”, why are you stressed?

Is the world putting pressure on you… or are you putting pressure on yourself?

What would happen if you didn’t put pressure on yourself?

That’s impossible to imagine, right?

Your unconscious wouldn’t be happy, would it?

But why wouldn’t it?

What does your unconscious want?

What is it protecting?

Is there any other way to make your unconscious happy without putting pressure on yourself?

Is stress an external thing that can only be resolved by meditation, exercise and super foods?

If you say yes, stress management may be a good option for you and it works to a certain extent.

If you want to explore the “no” or the “I’m not sure”, join the Unshakeable Bankers Club.

Loving you, Angelos

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