chronic pain Anxiety

Letting Go of Perfectionism – 6 Step Formula

In this article, I will show you my 6-step formula that will help you to let go of your perfectionism.

This formula is based on three elements: curiosity, awareness, and compassion.

I’m against changing any behaviour unless ALL the following questions are fully answered:

  • What is the behaviour (with specific examples)?
  • How does it affect your life?
  • Why do you want to change it?
  • Is there anything good about it?
  • What could the reasons be for adopting this behaviour?
  • What would your life look like without this behaviour?
  • What exactly do you need to change?
  • What would be a realistic and effective plan for changing the behaviour—or introducing a new one?

Perfectionism may create discomfort—emotional and physical pain.

You may have realised that it can sabotage your happiness.

However, a compassionate approach is essential for overcoming perfectionism.

This is a journaling exercise in which you have to answer the questions related to each step.

chronic pain

Chronic Pain Relief is Like Having an Orgasm

This is one of my favourite quotes by entrepreneur Naveen Jain:

“Making money is like having an orgasm: you would never get it if you focus on it. It has to be a byproduct of the things you really enjoy doing.” — Naveen Jain

The same applies to chronic pain relief.

If you’ve tried everything but you’re still in pain, you may now try nothing.

With love, Angelos

P.S. Subscribe to receive my tips for chronic pain relief straight to your inbox.

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The Obstacle to “Complete” Healing

Question: My pain decreased by 80% and the anxiety does not debilitate me anymore. But how do I get to complete healing? What’s the magical advice that I’m missing?

A lot of people get stuck at 80, 90, or 99% of pain relief because of their perfectionism and striving towards complete healing.

That was me—super obsessed with the “absolute healing techniques”.

Wanting badly to get to heal completely may be exactly what’s stopping you healing completely.

For me, the answer was seeing 80% as 100%.

Until one day I got to 100%.

However, I never became conscious of the journey from 80 to 100%.

I just let go of my perfectionism and obsessiveness.

The “magical advice” you’re looking for is “let go of the desire for complete healing”.

With love, Angelos

P.S. Subscribe to receive my tips for chronic pain relief straight to your inbox.

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Letting Go of Past Love

Question: As a teenager, I had a long-term relationship with a guy I was deeply attached to.

When he broke up with me, he said he wanted it cold turkey—to never see or speak to each other ever again. And he stuck to this—16 years ago our breakup was the last conversation I ever had with him.

I’ve written about this a couple of times, done meditations, etc. I would love to run into him again and have a conversation, to get some closure, to apologise for some of the things I did, and ideally would love to get an apology from him too.

In reality, we don’t live in the same state, don’t share any friends, and have zero contact—the chances of us running into each other are basically none. I have to find a way to live with this.

The problem is, I keep dreaming about him! The dreams are variations on the same theme—he gets in touch to discuss things and wants to be friends. This will never happen in real life but the frequent dreams indicate my subconscious is refusing to accept it! How can I get my subconscious to move on?

Letting go of a past love is similar to letting go of emotions or pain.

The more you want your pain to go away, the more pain grows inside.

The more you try to stop thinking about him, the more you end up thinking or dreaming about him.

chronic pain

The Chronic Pain Sketch

These boxes cause your chronic pain.

But you DON’T have to remove the boxes to get relief from pain.

All you have to do is acknowledge their existence.

Right now you may be having a hard time admitting those negative emotions consciously or unconsciously.

The peak performance you’re looking for will come when you allow yourself to feel anything without shame.

These boxes are innocent.

The fear of the boxes is what keeps you from reaching your full potential.

True mastery will come when you stop hiding these boxes from yourself or others.

Is there anything more respectable and inspirational than to acknowledge how you feel and not be afraid of showing it to others?

That’s the real power and something you’ll always be remembered for.

– Angelos

chronic pain

I’ve Tried Everything but I’m Still in Pain

Question: I’ve tried every treatment and therapy there is. I try to maintain a positive outlook and focus on relief by meditating, stretching, and low impact exercise. Why am I still in pain?

You may think that you have tried everything but I bet there is something you have tried yet: doing nothing!

The problem could be that you’re trying too hard.

The more you do to get pain relief, the more you tell your unconscious that there is a problem.

chronic pain

Don’t Call it Pain: Call it a Sensation

Don’t say pain—call it a sensation instead.

The words we use affect how we feel.

If you start calling it a sensation, it will end up being a sensation in the end.

Everyone can handle a few sensations here and there! 🙄

(I didn’t mean that! What a filthy mind! hehe)

With love, Angelos

chronic pain

Learning to Express your Emotions Takes Time

One of the reasons for your chronic pain is that you may not have learned to accept or express your emotions.

As with all new skills, this can take time.

Question: I was taught not to cry or be emotionally expressive as a child. My parents (and their parents too) put a high value on not showing emotion. Now, there are a lot of times where I feel like a good cry would be really cathartic, but I can’t cry. I’ve talked to my therapist—we agree that it’s ok for me to cry but I can’t get it to happen. I’m also not emotionally expressive in happy situations and it drives my husband nuts! What should I do?

There is no rush to do what you haven’t been taught or allowed to do for years.

Seeing it is already HUGE progress for you.

Sharing this concern is a big step on its own.

Why not allow it to happen naturally—the same way you learn to do something new?

chronic pain

The Problem with Magic Techniques for Chronic Pain

Techniques for chronic pain don’t work. OK, to be precise, only one works—the one that I call “the subtle art of not giving a f*** about pain”.

Question: I’m using this technique for chronic pain that I found in a famous book but it’s not working for me.

How do I train my brain to do all these things that I could do before? I can’t walk, sit down, stand in one place, have sex. You see my predicament—I’m very limited!

What’s the deal here? How do I make this work for me? Am I just not getting the hang of it or am I missing something?

chronic pain Anxiety

True Healing is Easier Than Healing

True healing is NOT getting rid of the pain forever.

True healing is NOT killing your fears and anxiety.

True healing is NOT mastering your emotions.

True healing is letting go of ANY EFFORT to control your pain, anxiety or emotions.

True healing is surrendering to pain—being OK with the pain coming back.

To truly heal you don’t have to do much.

Actually, you don’t have to do anything.

True healing is not winning the war—it’s making peace.

True healing is easier than healing.

— Angelos Georgakis

P.S. Subscribe to receive my tips for chronic pain relief straight to your inbox.