Personal Development

Goldman Sachs Surprising Fact

My client at Goldman shared this unbelievable fact with me.

This is what they call a utility software at Goldman! 😯

It’s a utility to which everyone has access and can perform changes.

They call it…

Point Finger of Blame!


Because you can always see who’s made the last change in the code.

And if a system breaks, everyone knows who to point the finger to.

Another strategist at Goldman told me it’s just a funny word play inspired by the git blame command (git is a version control system for software development).

I’ve met some of the most top-performing people at Goldman but still…

I’m curious…

How does the person who’s about to tweak the code feel?

Does that name motivate them to do better work?

Does that name lead to fewer programming mistakes?

I don’t have the answer.

I guess it depends on the person, their beliefs, culture but tell me..

What’s your take on this?

Loving you, Angelos

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