Addiction is NOT a problem.
You should THANK your addiction.
Your addiction serves a VERY important purpose in your life:
It helps you cope with negative emotions.
Do you know what the REAL problem is?
That you have been trained to feel ashamed of your addiction.
And that brings more negative emotions which means you need your addiction more and more in order to feel better.
To me, it’s NOT an addiction. It’s a HABIT.
If anyone ever calls your habit an “addiction”, it’s because THEY are ASHAMED of it.
And they’re passing their shame on to you.
And I understand that some of these people may have your best interest at heart and I empathise with them BUT they’re making things worse.
Sure, there may be a different way to deal with your negative emotions.
If you say to me, “Hey, Angelos, I don’t want that habit anymore”, I will listen to you.
But only YOU can call your habit an addiction—NOBODY else!
It’s because YOU may realise one day that this habit is not serving you any more.
And when you work towards a new habit, you should be thankful for the old habit.
Because it was there only to make you feel better, my friend.
You are a loving human being who only wanted to feel better.
Loving you, Angelos